We will always be Patriot Nation

Investing in our future.


When someone asks what has changed at CDS over the past 10 years, it’s easy to point to the elementary school buildings or the gymnasium, and even the athletic fields. It’s exciting to talk about the new Center for Innovation that is forming right in front of our eyes every day. How about the things that haven’t changed. CDS is proud of our dedicated teachers and faculty who come to the classroom or the zoom screen every day excited about teaching and sharing with their students. What hasn’t changed at CDS is the innovation in the classrooms, the conversations that happen between students and teachers daily, and the smiles and laughter that can be heard coming from the playground. We still welcome people with a smile when they walk through the doors, treat each other with kindness and respect, and usher our graduates into the world prepared and eager for the next step. So while our landscape continues to grow and change, we hold on to what makes us who we are.

We are Patriot Nation. And that will never change.

Join the Patriot Nation, be a part of it and learn more about the Center for Innovation. www.cdscampaign.org