CDS DP Artists Share Their Work

DP artists at CDS pursue an intense process of study and experimentation before creating each piece of art.

On April 23rd, CDS International Square was transformed into an art gallery. After working for months on concepts and ideas, CDS DP (Diploma Programme) student artists put their hearts and souls into creating not just beautiful, but thought-provoking work. The work leading up to the projects is pretty varied depending on the student and their particular project. Once the students have chosen their concept, they investigate artists that are either working with a similar concept or medium and analyze their work by breaking down how the artist used the principles and elements of design to create a successful composition as well as interpreting the meaning and significance of the artwork. They also explore the techniques and processes that the artist used by either trying to recreate a piece of theirs or by using their techniques and applying it to their own concept.

DP art students develop their idea further based on what they have learned from their investigations and begin to experiment with different mediums to create their project so they have an idea of what medium will best suit their project.  Once they choose a medium to work in they experiment with it until they gain the mastery needed to move forward with completing their project. All while, participating in peer critiques and reflecting on the feedback to help redefine and foster the development of their work. This process is also aided by discussions on art history, compositional theory, museum visits, and process journaling. 

Below is a highlight of the magnificent art still on display at CDS. 



Thank you to Upper School Art teacher, Seth Firestone, for facilitating the incredible art program at CDS.